Finding free markets

Next Magazine (Second opinion A002, 2013.03.14)   Even people who favor free markets will often describe Hong Kong as a city with a business landscape dominated by property developers and their associated conglomerate monopolies. Countless articles seek to “de-bunk” the purported myth that Hong Kong is the freest economy inContinue reading>

Half Full or Half Empty?

Andrew Work (SCMP, 2 June 2007)Cheers!  Pint glasses were raised and champagne sparkled in celebration of the tax cut on beer and wine.  A new era of lower prices was to be delivered courtesy of Mr. Tang’s generous March budget.  However, three months on, it seems that things have notContinue reading>

Free trade supporters hit back (Telegraph)

Monday 14th August, 2006 Free trade supporters hit backBy Richard Spencer in Hong Kong  (Filed: 16/12/2005) Free trade hit back outside Hong Kong’s World Trade Organisation talks yesterday, mounting a small but cogently argued “anti-anti-globalisation” demonstration. While Korean farmers, Indonesian fishermen and international Marxists rallied in favour of protecting marketsContinue reading>