Be a young entrepreneur
Do you:
1. Have a great idea that you want to try to make and sell? 2. Want to test your business skills in a real life environment? 3. Want a great certificate to show future employers? |
1. 有原創產品想生產及讓大家知道? 2. 想試一試做老闆,測試自己的從商技巧? 3. 想要一張與別不同的能力證書? |
• We are giving students the chance to create a product or service and sell it to the public at our special market place on 19th and 20th August.
• The 10 best applicants will be given a stall and signage space that they can put their design and branding on. •All competing teams will have the chance to present their results and findings to our panel of business leaders and experts, who will give feedback to all and award prizes! |
• 現在我們招募青年企業家於八月十九及二十日感受一次真實的做生意體驗。
• 我們會從收到的參加建議書中揀選十組進行比賽。並且在真實市場環境實戰。 • 各組有機會在評判前解說整個比賽的結果及經驗。評判會從檔位設計、組員表現、利潤等作評分及提點意見,並選出最佳組別奬項。 |
If you love this idea then:
1. Get a team of 3 to 6 students aged 15 or 16 2. Think of a great product or service 3. Fill in the special application form with your business proposal and pay a non-refundable deposit of $500. (This will be the start up capital for your business.) 4. Send to us before 16th of July for a chance to be in the competition. There are only 10 stalls so competition will be fierce.
1. 找三到六個15-16歲之間的朋友組成隊伍 2. 拿出的你創意, 設計你的產品或服務 3. 寫下你的計劃書及填妥參賽表格,並提交港幣$500. 作為你的營運資金。 4. 七月十六日前提交給我們。 我們會選出十個組別並提供一個一天的商場攤位進行實戰。
Please use the following file link for your business plan template.
Please send the application by email, we will reply with a confirmation email.
填妥後請以電郵交回, 我們將以電郵回覆確認收妥。
Tel. 電話: 3911 1217 / 6303 0318