“Wine makes most drinkers think” – Plato
“The LRI Symposia” aim to regularly bring together people who would like to discuss over a good meal the foundations and prospects of liberty. Each event will have a topic, but the content will be drawn from the insights and interests of participants. You are cordially invited to attend.

Understanding of common law is not so common. Whilst the formal distinction between civil and common law is well understood, the rise of statute displacing the common law approach is blurring the edges. In Hong Kong legislation, like competition law, that adopts principles alien to the common law has been growing. However, common law remains crucial to Hong Kong’s edge as a global and regional commercial hub.
Great liberal thinkers like Adam Smith, Bruno Leoni and Frederick Hayek have argued that processes for the discovery of private law are a vital foundation for liberty and human progress.
In our 3rd of the Lion Rock Symposia, inspired by a suggestion from the 2nd, we propose discussing the common law as a foundation for liberty and prosperity, its heritage and what Hong Kong’s success owes to that tradition.
“Symposiarch” (Greek: συμπόσιάρχης:symposiárchēs) Stacey has asked Stephen Crosswell, Hong Kong’s leading authority on Competition Law and a pioneer in reviving understanding of the common law, to kick off our discussion.

Mr. Stephen Crosswell |
Partner Baker & McKenzie Hong Kong The chair of Baker McKenzie’s Asia-Pacific Antitrust & Competition Group and the TMT Industry Group. He is also the head of Baker McKenzie’s Asia-Pacific Antitrust & Competition Group Greater China Antitrust & Competition team. More… |
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Date: Tuesday, 19th of March 2024
Venue: Private Dining Room, Ladies Recreation Club, 10 Old Peak Road, Hong Kong
Cost: HKD 1,000 (covering food, drink and a small contribution to administrative costs)
Topic: The common law
~ Payment Details ~
HSBC account: 400-639415-001
Account name: The Lion Rock Institute (HK) Ltd.
*Please email us a copy of the deposit slip for confirmation to ken.ng@lionrockinstitute.org to complete the registration.*
Payable to “The Lion Rock Institute (HK) Ltd”.
Mail address: Room 1104, Crawford House, 70 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong.

NOTES: – Bookings are only confirmed upon receipt of payment. – We are limited to 16-20 people, so with limited numbers will have to accept people on a first come first served basis. – If the booking is canceled at least 7 days before the event, and in such cases, the refund will be subjected to a HK$500 administration fee. – No refund if the cancellation is made within 6 days, last-minute, or no-show. – The Institute reserves the right to decline any booking or cancel the event. A full refund of the participation fee will be issued in such case. |